Terms and Conditions
The following Terms and Conditions together with the general information contained on our website form the basis of your agreement with OPEN HANDS MOROCCO. Please read them carefully as they set out our respective rights and obligations. By registering with us we are entitled to assume that you have had the opportunity to read and have read these terms and conditions and agree to them. A further reminder is included in almost every email sent from Open hands Morocco.
In these terms and conditions
you, your and volunteer(s) means all persons named on your registration form (including anyone who is added or substituted at a later date).
we, us and our means Open hands Morocco.
organisation(s) means the organisations or charities for whom we advertise volunteer opportunities.
placement(s) refers to the volunteer opportunities we advertise on behalf of organisation(s).
We may change these terms at any time by posting changes online. Please review these terms regularly to ensure you are aware of any changes made by us. Your continued registration and/or use of our services after changes are posted means you agree to be legally bound by these terms as updated.
1. What Open hands provide
We facilitate opportunities for independent individuals and group of volunteers to volunteer with our organisation which have requested a need for volunteers. By registering with us and paying a 30%, you can access our services and details of all the placements we have information on.
2. What we do not provide
We offer experiences of volunteering in challenging environments and are most suited to the group learners. We will do our utmost within our capabilities to ensure everyone who has sent us flight details will be met if their project provides this and that a volunteering experience or cultural experience is available at some point during the visit.
Accommodation should not be considered perfect sometimes due to the remoteness of projects or challenges of offering this in the regions concerned within the budgetary constraints of offering affordableexperiences for the learners and budget market.
3. Cancelling
If you cancel your trip with us within 7 days of registering and paying 100% of the registration fee will be refunded to you no questions asked*. 30% Registration and paying fee in respect of cancellations made after the cooling off period has expired are non-refundable.
4. Unused services
Once 7 days registration period has expired there will be no refund of the initial registration fee for any reason whatsoever. All unused project accommodation fees which were paid directly to Open hands will be subject to a £15 administration fee for international transfers.
5. Changes or cancellation of a placement due to changes
You appreciate and acknowledge that the nature of this type of travel requires considerable flexibility and should allow for alternatives. Working hours, accommodation, services and placements offered may be subject to alteration or cancelled due to local circumstances or events.
6. Prices and placement details
The price for a one-week volunteering program with Open Hands is a fixed cost per person, determined based on the group size. This cost covers accommodation, registration fees, and all services provided by the Open Hands team.
7. Acceptance
We reserve the right to refuse applications and/or registrations from volunteers or prospective volunteers whom we consider unsuitable. Local staff and accommodation hosts may also terminate the placement at any time of any volunteer who appears to be a risk.
8. Acceptance of risk
You accept that the nature of volunteering in developing countries is adventurous and involves a significant amount of personal inherent risk. Health services may be basic or lacking, and safety standards will be considerably lower than European standards.
9. Minor emergencies
You accept responsibility for managing immediate arrangements by yourself when contact persons are not immediately available. You must ensure adequate travel insurance and funds to cover consultations for minor health complaints.
10. Authority at placements
The decision of the local coordinator or staff where you are volunteering will be final on all matters likely to endanger safety and well-being. You must comply with local laws, customs, and regulations.
11. Travel documents
You must possess a valid passport and obtain all required visas, permits, certificates, and insurance policies. Your passport must be valid for at least 6 months after your return date.
12. Factors outside the company's control
Compensation and refunds will not be made for changes or cancellations caused by force majeure events, including war, natural disasters, strikes, or government decisions.
13. Your responsibilities
As a volunteer, you understand you are not on a packaged holiday but are a committed and self-motivated independent volunteer. You must ensure adequate insurance coverage and follow local safety guidelines and rules.
14. Problems or complaints
If you have a problem during your placement, you must communicate this to the coordinator or local staff. Most issues can be resolved locally within a day or two.
15. Cookies and Privacy Policy
To find out more, please view our cookies and privacy policy.